Hurtig marknadsföring är man ju van vid. Men när föremålet för entusiasmen handlar om övervakning av barn (och allt annat du kan komma på) då händer det något med de invanda associationerna. Vad sägs om detta säljargument:
Childcare centers are perfect for video surveillance. With the number of working parents increasing, childcare is becoming an essential part of early education. A video surveillance system at your day care or childcare center can help keep children safe and provide parents with peace of mind.
Eller kanske du är orolig för vad din papegoja har för sig om dagarna:
Recent numbers show that 63% of US households own a pet - that's 71.1 million homes and families with dogs, cats, iguanas, parakeets, fish, ferrets and potbellied pigs. Animal companionship is often a valuable part of a pet owner's life, and owner and pet can form deep relationships that span many years. Surveillance cameras for pets, especially mobile anmials like dogs and cats, can help assure their owners of their pets well-being while out of town, or ensure that dogs and cats don't cause damage while the owner is away. Surveillance cameras for pets are the perfect solution for the concerned pet owner.
Och bibliotek, de är ju för viktiga institutioner för att kunna klara sig utan övervakning:
Libraries are an essential cultural institution - we use them at every stage of our lives, and their facilities make large bodies of books, research materials, and the internet available to the public for universal use. Video surveillance and security cameras are great security tools for libraries, as they can protect large areas of space and allow librarians and staff to immediately check in on concerns from the reference desk or office.
Exemplen är hämtade från Rena önskelistan över allt du kan tänka dig att övervaka -- och lite till.
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