Intressant nog tycks den av nödvändighet framsynta industrin mera införstådd med de möjliga radikala konsekvenserna av intelligenta vardagsobjekt än samhällsteoretiker i gemen. Och nya produkter tycks också utvecklas på dessa premisser. Se t ex denna webbsajt från Philips om intelligenta ting. Perspektivet är anmärkningsvärt:
”Ever since we started developing tools, we have lived in an artificial environment, consisting of our own artefacts. Until now, the artificial objects that we created were unable to 'answer back'. Now, however, objects are almost becoming 'subjects' - intelligent and capable of independent activity. The more objects become 'personalities' in their own right the more both us and them will need to learn to take into account each others' requirements. If adaptability is a key issue, it is then clear that the objects-subjects will have to be designed as open systems - capable to sustain an evolution that is defined within a specific cultural system.”
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